PArticipant disclaimer
Spring AGora ENschede 2023 | 16-21 MaY
I, as a participant of Spring Agora Enschede 2023, organised by Stichting Internationale Congressen Enschede (foundation ICE), in cooperation with AEGEE-Enschede and AEGEE-Europe, freely and voluntarily agree with the following terms:
Using the plenary and workshop rooms outside of the hours specified in the schedule, as well as other areas not set up for this event, is strictly forbidden. Eating and drinking inside the plenary halls is forbidden. Smoking, as well as the intake of alcohol, narcotics and illegal substances is forbidden inside of the facilities of the University of Twente and on campus grounds. I am personally responsible and liable for any financial fines which foundation ICE might receive because of my actions.
The following actions are not allowed in the facilities (including social program venues)
- Painting on walls, floors and ceilings.
- Nailing or pinning on walls, floors and ceilings.
- Putting stickers, banners or other materials on walls, ceilings or floors (except on places authorised for that purpose).
- Obstructing emergency exits of fire safety systems.
I am fully responsible for all my actions during the Agora and accept all financial and other consequences which follow from my actions. Foundation ICE, AEGEE-Enschede or AEGEE-Europe, its members and volunteers, are not responsible for any personal injury, illness, death or damage of property sustained by any person while participating in Spring Agora Enschede 2023, including injury, loss or damage which might be caused by the negligence of foundation ICE. This also extends to potential infection by the COVID-19 virus during the event.
I agree that foundation ICE and AEGEE-Enschede are not liable and will not be held responsible financially and/or otherwise for any theft, loss or damage of any items in my possession. Foundation ICE and AEGEE-Enschede shall not be held responsible for any property left without the supervision of its owner.
I acknowledge that I may be recorded during Spring Agora Enschede 2023 for streaming and promotional purposes, and that Foundation ICE, AEGEE-Enschede and AEGEE-Europe have a legitimate interest in using this photo and video material for these purposes.
A person attending Spring Enschede Agora 2023 who does not wish to have their image recorded for distribution may object by making their wishes known to the core team of Spring Agora Enschede 2023 at, in writing of his/her intentions at any time.
Food and allergies
I will be responsible for letting the organisation know about my allergies/meal preferences.
I acknowledge that, although foundation ICE and AEGEE-Enschede do their best to fit the various needs for the diets of the participants, they cannot guarantee that there will be no errors during Spring Agora Enschede 2023. Therefore I will be responsible for bringing my own medication like an epipen and the use of medication if needed and shall not claim any damages or liability against the organisers of Spring Agora Enschede 2023 if an error occurs.
Protection of Privacy
The personal information requested for the participation in Spring Agora Enschede 2023 (such as: name, surname, telephone, email, etc) will only be used for implementing this disclaimer and other necessities arising during the planning of Spring Agora Enschede 2023 that will take place in Enschede between 16-21 May 2023 and will not be shared with other entities, except for AEGEE-Enschede and AEGEE-Europe.
Law of The Netherlands and further rules of The Spring Agora
I will be responsible for following the law of The Netherlands. This includes a ban on the following things: public intoxication, public urination and drug use.
I acknowledge that I shall not eat, drink or smoke within the lodging facilities, plenary and workshop rooms.
I shall acknowledge that alcohol and narcotics are forbidden on the buses that are used during the social program. I shall acknowledge that I will be responsible for any damages and cleaning costs I make in the buses and at the social program venues.
I acknowledge that all my personal data stated in the registration form are true. I acknowledge that I have valid identity documents required for my stay in the Netherlands.
If I don’t act according to the above stated terms, I will be liable for immediate expulsion by the local organisers of Spring Agora Enschede 2023.
I acknowledge I have read the rules stated above and I agree with these conditions